This will require digging up in your yard and redoing your landscaping afterwards. Fortunately, you have Water Inlet protection with National Bank Insurance Auto | Home.

What is a water inlet?

It’s the pipe connecting your home to the municipal water supply or the well which provides your home’s drinking water. More specifically, it’s the part running from the public valve or private well outlet all the way to the main shut-off valve inside your house.

When this pipe breaks, pressurized water floods the ground which may collapse. Water can seep through or damage the foundations. Your French drain could even get saturated causing water to accumulate in your sump. Such accumulations can lead to water damage inside your home.

Basic coverage, optional coverage?

Drinking water plumbing inside your house is covered by your basic insurance policy. The water inlet portion that’s outside your house has to be covered by a protection that is optional at National Bank Insurance Auto | Home. You can add this protection to your homeowner’s policy if your residence is less than 40 years old or if your water inlet was changed in the last 40 years.

What does it cover?

It covers the landscaping and the replacement costs of all damages caused by the failure of your water inlet to parts of your property, for up to $10,000. This includes any shrubs, plants, flowers…

Mike* from Montreal tells us about his experience: “In 2005, I bought myself a new house and insured it with National Bank Insurance Auto | Home. On my renewal in 2010 I added the Water Inlet protection, not really knowing what it was. I quickly understood in December 2011 when for some unknown reason the water inlet broke. They had to come and dig up my entrance, repair the issue and then put back the landscaping. The final cost: $9,263, Luckily, I had that protection.”

Are you aware of the state of your water inlet?

It is difficult to determine the state of a water inlet. We often know only when it actually malfunctions. If you don’t want to take the risk, don’t hesitate to contact a damage insurance expert for more information about this protection.


*Not a real name, our client preferring to share his experience anonymously.

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