Site security measures
Our site is subject to the highest standards of security for online transactions. Every precaution is therefore taken to ensure that the personal information you send us is properly protected.
In short, this means that all communications between your computer and our servers regarding your online quote and purchase are secure (via SSL protocol).
Personal security measures
For maximum security, always ensure that the environment is secure when you browse and send confidential information. If you don't see the security seal on the screen (closed padlock) or if you see a broken seal (open padlock), the security of your online data transmission is not guaranteed and a third party could intercept it. The location of the security seal varies according to the browser used.
It is important that you close your session once you have obtained an online quote or completed your purchase, or if you have to leave your computer unsupervised for a moment during a session.
The cache memory is a temporary memory in which your computer stores information you consulted during a session. As a result, once you have obtained an online quote or completed your purchase, your computer's cache memory may contain personal information. To keep this information confidential, we recommend that you empty the cache memory at the end of every session.
Online transaction security measures
At National Bank Insurance, we have put all the appropriate measures in place to ensure the security of your transactions. Every precaution has been taken to ensure that information transmitted to us whenever you use secured areas of the Site is protected against error, loss or unauthorized access. The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol it uses ensures that any data transmitted can only be viewed by authorized individuals.
For your part, you should always ensure that you are browsing in a secure environment. Keep an eye out for the security icon (closed padlock), which should be displayed on your screen, and ensure and that https is indicated in the address bar of your browser, which will enable you to carry out online transactions securely.