Your opinion is important to us

Your opinion is important to us

At National Bank Insurance, the client experience is a top priority. No matter what you have to say, we’re here to listen and provide assistance.

If the service you received didn’t live up to your expectations, we want to know. The instructions below will guide you through the process of making a complaint.

National Bank Insurance Auto | Home

National Bank Insurance Auto | Home and its partner Belair Insurance Company Inc. are committed to providing outstanding service. Here are the steps to ensure that your concerns are dealt with fairly and effectively.

Step 1 - Contact our customer service or claim department

Our staff is available to answer your questions, concerns or just note your recommendations regarding our products and services. Contact us by: mail, phone or online.

Step 2 - Write a Complaint

If you are experiencing a problem that is beyond the scope of our customer service or if you are not satisfied with the solutions proposed, contact us at one of the following addresses:

By mail :

National Bank Insurance Auto | Home
800 Saint-Jacques Street
Montreal, Qc H3C 1A3

By email :

Your complaint will be forwarded to the person concerned. As much as possible, we try to resolve the situation ourselves, internally.

If your problem is not resolved to your satisfaction, it will be brought to the attention of the person responsible for the resolution of our company's complaints.

Step 3 - get outside help

If you are still not satisfied with the proposed resolution or the handling of your complaint, you may request that a copy of your complaint file be sent to the Autorité des marchés financiers.

The Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) reviews all complaints it receives and may recommend a mediation service if necessary and if the parties agree. Please note that the Autorité des marchés financiers does not provide any monetary compensation claimed by consumers (except in the cases covered by its specific programs).

Quebec: 418-525-0337

Montreal: 514-395-0337

Toll free number: 1-877-525-0337

Fax: 418-525-9512 or 514-873-3090


For the purposes of this section, "National Bank Assurances", "we", "our", "our" collectively mean National Bank Insurance Auto | Home and Belair Insurance Company Inc.

National Bank Life Insurance

Step 1 – Contact our Customer Service Department

Our employees are there to answer your questions, address your concerns or take note of your feedback on our products and services. Feel free to call us or contact us by mail or online.


Step 2 – Contact our Complaint Settlement Department

Some situations require more resources. Please contact our Complaint Settlement Department if you are unsatisfied with the outcome of the previous step. Once your request for assistance is received, if necessary we will consult specialists to assess the situation.

If your case is somewhat complex, we may require certain documents. The Complaint Settlement Officer will obtain all the elements needed to analyze your situation, then communicate the position of National Bank Life Insurance within 30 days. He will also inform you of any additional recourse available to you.

You can write to us online or at the following address:

Complaint Handling Department
National Bank Life Insurance Company
800 Saint-Jacques Street, Suite 16701
Montreal, Québec, H3C 1A3

You can view our Complaint Policy below for more information.

Step 3 – Request external assistance

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may contact one or more of the following entities:

1) If your complaint is related to your banking product:

National Bank Client Complaint Appeal Office

Phone: 1-888-300-9004 or 514-394-8655



Financial Consumer Agency of Canada:

Mailing Address

427 Laurier Avenue West, 6th Floor

Ottawa ON K1R 1B9

Website: Contact Financial Consumer Agency of Canada -

Service by phone

In English: 1-866-461-FCAC (3222)

In French: 1-866-461-ACFC (2232)

Outside Canada: 613-960-4666

2) If your complaint is related to a refusal of insurance coverage:

AMF information centre (for residents of Quebec only):

Quebec City: 418-525-0337

Montreal: 514-395-0337

Toll-free: 1-877-525-0337

Fax: 1-877-285-4378


OmbudService for Life and Health Insurance (OLHI):

Complaint Services

Montreal: 514-282-2088

Toronto: 416-777-9002

Elsewhere in Canada: 1-888-295-8112

Site web:

It is also possible to contact:

National Bank Client Complaint Appeal Office

Phone: 1-888-300-9004 or 514-394-8655



Complaint examination and dispute resolution policy – National Bank Life Insurance Company (NBLIC)


1. Purpose of the policy


The purpose of this policy is to set up an equitable and free procedure for dealing with all complaints received by NBLIC.

In particular, the policy is intended to provide oversight for the receipt of complaints, delivery of the acknowledgement of receipt, creation of complaint files, and the transfer of compliant files to the regulatory authorities.


2. Person in charge


The person in charge of applying this policy acts as the respondent with the regulatory authorities concerned and oversees the training of NBLIC employees on this policy.

He must provide employees with the necessary information for compliance with this policy.

The person in charge must also:

  • Deliver an acknowledgement of receipt and notice to the complainant;
  • Transfer the file to the regulatory authorities concerned, at the complainant's request;
  • Work with National Bank's Ombudsman if the complaint is transferred to him.


3. Definition of a complaint

For the purposes of the policy, a complaint is the expression of at least one of the following three elements:

  • A reproach against NBLIC;
  • The identification of real or potential harm that a consumer has sustained or may sustain;
  • A request for remedial action.

Informal steps to correct a specific problem are not considered a complaint, provided the problem is resolved as part of the NBLIC's normal activities and the consumer has not filed a complaint.


4. Receipt of the complaint

Consumers who wish to file a complaint must do so in writing to the following address:

By mail

Complaint Handling Officer

National Bank Life Insurance Company

800 Saint-Jacques Street, Suite 42521

Montreal, Quebec, H3C 1A3

By e-mail:


Consumers may also request that their complaint be recorded in writing by calling the Client Contact Centre at 1-877-871-7500 or 514-871-7500, option 2.

NBLIC employees or representatives who receive a complaint must immediately forward it to the person in charge of this policy.

The Complaint Officer will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within five business days. The acknowledgement of receipt will contain the following information:

  • A description of the complaint, specifying the real or potential harm, the reproach against NBIF and the requested remedial action;
  • The name and contact information of the person in charge of examining complaints;
  • The NBLIC complaint examination policy;
  • A notice stating that if he is not satisfied with the outcome or the examination of his complaint, the complainant can request that the file be transferred to National Bank's Ombudsman for clients or, for residents of Quebec, to the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). This notice must also mention that the AMF may offer dispute resolution services, if deemed appropriate;
  • A reminder to the complainant that filing a complaint with the AMF does not interrupt the prescriptive period for civil remedies against NBLIC.


5. Creation of the complaint file

A separate file is created for every complaint and contains the following items:

  • The written complaint and its three elements (the reproach against NBLIC, the real or potential harm, and the requested remedial action);
  • The outcome of the complaint examination process (the analysis and the supporting documents);
  • The final written response to the complainant with justifying reasons.


6. Complaint examination

On receiving a complaint, NBLIC initiates its complaint examination process. The complaint is examined within a reasonable time period, namely, within 30 days of receiving all the information required for its examination. After the complaint is examined, the person in charge sends the complainant a final response with justifying reasons.

However, if the client refuses or neglects to provide NBLIC with the documentation required to process the complaint, NBLIC will send a letter stating a grace period and, following the expiry of this period, a final response will be taking into account the information on file.


7. Transfer of a file to file to the AMF or other regulatory authorities concerned

If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome or the examination of his complaint, he may, at any time, ask NBLIC to transfer his file to the regulatory authorities concerned. The transferred file must include all the information related to the complaint. NBLIC complies with the rules governing the protection of personal information.


8. Effective date

This policy came into effect on February 1st, 2015 and was last updated on April 1st, 2022.


9. For questions concerning the examination of complaints

If you are a resident of Quebec, you can contact the AMF information centre:

Quebec City: 418-525-0337
Montreal: 514-395-0337
Toll-free: 1-877-525-0337
Fax: 1-877-285-4378

National Bank Insurance Firm (NBIF inc.)

Step 1 – Contact your advisor or our Customer Service Department

Our employees are there to answer your questions, address your concerns or take note of your feedback on our products and services. Call us at 1-888-871-3608, or contact us by mail or online.


Step 2 – Contact our Complaint Settlement Department

Some situations require more resources. Please contact our Complaint Settlement Department if you are unsatisfied with the outcome of the previous step. Once your request for assistance is received, we will consult specialists and managers from various departments to assess the situation.

If your case is somewhat complex, we may require certain documents. Once the Complaint Settlement Advisor has obtained all elements needed to analyze your situation, he will communicate the position of National Bank Insurance Firm within 30 days. He will also communicate additional recourse available to you, if applicable.


You can write to us online or at the following address:


Complaint Handling Department

National Bank Insurance Firm

800 Saint-Jacques Street, Suite 42521

Montreal, Québec, H3C 1A3


Step 3 – Request external assistance


If you are still dissatisfied with our decision, contact the National Bank Client Complaint Appeal Office:

Phone: 1-888-300-9004 or 514-394-8655





Quebec City: 418-525-0337

Montreal: 514-395-0337

Toll-free: 1-877-525-0337

Website :


1. Purpose of the policy

The purpose of a complaint examination and dispute resolution policy is to set up an equitable, free procedure for dealing with complaints received by National Bank Insurance Firm Inc., hereinafter referred to as "NBIF."

In particular, the policy is intended to provide oversight for the receipt of complaints, delivery of the acknowledgement of receipt, creation of complaint files, transfer of complaint files to the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) and compilation of complaints for the purpose of preparing and filing a semi-annual report with the AMF using the Complaint Reporting System (CRS).


2.  Person in charge

The  Compliance Manager is the person in charge of applying this policy. The person in charge acts as the respondent with the AMF and oversees training of NBIF employees on this policy.

He must provide employees with the necessary information for compliance with this policy. The person in charge must also:

  • Deliver an acknowledgement of receipt and notice to the complainant
  • Transfer the file to the AMF, at the complainant's request
  • File a semi-annual report with the AMF using the Complaint Reporting System (CRS)


3.  Definition of a complaint

For the purposes of the policy, a complaint is the expression of at least one of the following three elements:

  • A reproach against NBIF
  • The identification of real or potential harm that a consumer has sustained or may sustain
  • A request for remedial action

Informal steps to correct a specific problem  are not considered  a complaint, provided  the problem is resolved as part of the registrant’s normal activities and the consumer has not filed a complaint.


4.  Receipt of the complaint

Consumers who wish to file a complaint must do so in writing to the following address:


Complaint Handling Officer

National Bank Insurance Firm

800 Saint-Jacques Street, Suite 42521

Montreal, Quebec, H3C 1A3



NBIF employees or representatives who receive a complaint must immediately forward it to the person in charge of this policy.

The person in charge will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within five business days. The acknowledgement of receipt will contain the following information:

  • A description of the complaint, specifying the real or potential harm, the reproach against NBIF and the requested remedial action
  • The name and contact information of the person in charge of examining complaints
  • In the case of an incomplete complaint, a notice requesting additional information to which the complainant must respond within a set deadline, failing which the complaint will be deemed to have been abandoned 
  • The NBIF complaint examination policy
  • A notice stating that if he is not satisfied with the outcome or the examination of his complaint, the complainant can request that the file be transferred to the AMF. This notice must also mention that the AMF may offer dispute resolution services, if deemed appropriate
  • A reminder to the complainant that filing a complaint with the AMF does not interrupt theprescriptive period for civil remedies against NBIF.


5.  Creation of the complaint file

A separate file is created for every complaint and contains the following items:

  • The written complaint and its three elements (the reproach against NBIF, the real or potential harm, and the requested remedial action)
  • The  outcome  of  the  complaint  examination  process  (the  analysis  and  the  supporting documents)
  • The final written response to the complainant with justifying reasons


6.  Complaint examination

On receiving a complaint, NBIF initiates its complaint examination process. The complaint is examined within a reasonable time period, namely, within 30 days of receiving all the information required for its examination. After the complaint is examined, the person in charge sends the complainant a final response with justifying reasons.

However, if the client refuses or neglects to provide NBIF with the documentation required to process the complaint, NBIF will send a letter stating a grace period and, following the expiry of this period, a final response will be taking into account the information on file.


7.  Transfer of the file to the AMF

If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome or the examination of his complaint, he may, at any time, ask NBIF to transfer his file to the AMF. The transferred file must include all the information related to the complaint. NBIF  is responsible for complying  with the rules governing the protection of personal information.


8.  Effective date

This policy came into effect on February 1st, 2015 and was last updated on April 1st, 2022.


9. For questions concerning the examination of complaints, contact the AMF information centre:

Quebec City: 418-525-0337
Montreal: 514-395-0337
Toll-free: 1-877-525-0337
Fax: 1-877-285-4378

NBC Assistance

Step 1 – Contact our Customer Service Department


Contact us by mail, by calling 1-888-535-0510, option 1 or online.


Step 2 – Request external assistance


If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can contact one or more of the entities listed on