Update Insurance Policy
While most coverages on your new insurance policy will remain the same, there are some changes that you should know about.
Here is the list of coverage changes that will take effect with the renewal of car and home insurance policy. This list is only a summary of changes to the coverage.
Refer to your insurance policy for full details about your coverage, including a complete list of conditions and exclusions.
If you have any questions about your policy or these changes, contact one of our certified insurance agents at 1‑877‑871‑7500, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Q.E.F. 2 - Vehicle of which named insured is not owner and when driven by named drivers endorsement is removed
This endorsement is unfortunately no longer available. However, if your vehicle is insured with Section B coverages, you may be eligible for Autocomfort® coverage, which include this endorsement.
If you are interested in Autocomfort coverage, contact us to confirm your eligibility.
Q.E.F. 4B – Transportation of radioactive material endorsement is removed
This endorsement is unfortunately no longer available. Therefore, you will no longer be covered for the transportation of radioactive material. Please contact us for more details.
Q.E.F. 19 - Limitation of Indemnity (section B) is removed
This endorsement is no longer available as it limits the potential claim in the event of a total loss to the amount stated in the endorsement. This means, if your vehicle has increased in value, you will be compensated according to its value on the day of loss*. Therefore, your protection is enhanced.
* Always in conformity with all the claims rules.
Replacement of Q.E.F. 20A, Q.E.F. 27 or Q.E.F. 27A endorsement for Autocomfort® coverage (including Q.E.F 2, 20A, 27 endorsements)
These endorsements have been removed since Autocomfort coverage includes them. Therefore, you will continue to benefit from these coverages.
Change in the amount of Total Disability Benefits - Maximum amount per week coverage (included in the Q.E.F. 34 Accident Benefits Insurance endorsement)
You will continue to have this coverage, but the maximum amount per week is lower, at $50.
Q.E.F. 37A – Changes to coverage for electronic equipment (Maximum Value) endorsement is removed
This endorsement has been removed as it limits the potential claim for electronic equipment to the amount stated in the endorsement. Therefore, your coverage is enhanced.
Q.E.F. 37B – Changes to coverage for electronic equipment: Exclusion for Coverage endorsement is removed
This endorsement had been removed as it excludes electronic equipment from a potential claim. Therefore, your coverage is enhanced.
Change in the amount of the deductible associated with the coverage B1 – All perils
* May not apply to all vehicles on the policy. Refer to your insurance policy for details.
Your deductible has changed. Please refer to the table below:
Section B1 |
Before | Now |
$50 | $250 |
$100 | $250 |
$1,500 | $1,000 |
$2,000 | $2,000 |
Change in the amount of the deductible associated with the coverage B2 – Collision and Upset
* May not apply to all vehicles on the policy. Refer to your insurance policy for details.
Your deductible has changed. Please refer to the table below:
Section B2 |
Before | Now |
$50 | $500 |
$100 | $500 |
$150 | $500 |
$300 | $500 |
$750 | $500 |
$1,250 | $1,000 |
$1,500 | $1,000 |
$2,500 | $2,000 |
$3,000 | $2,000 |
$3,500 | $2,000 |
$4,000 | $2,000 |
$5,000 | $2,000 |
Change in the amount of the deductible associated with the coverage B3 – All Perils other than Collision or Upset
* May not apply to all vehicles on the policy. Refer to your insurance policy for details.
Your deductible has changed. Please refer to the table below:
Section B3 |
Before | Now |
$50 | $250 |
$150 | $250 |
$300 | $500 |
$750 | $500 |
$1,250 | $1,000 |
$1,500 | $1,000 |
$2,500 | $2,000 |
$3,000 | $2,000 |
$3,500 | $2,000 |
$4,000 | $2,000 |
$4,500 | $2,000 |
$5,000 | $2,000 |
Change in the amount of the deductible associated with the coverage B4 – Specific Perils
* May not apply to all vehicles on the policy. Refer to your insurance policy for details.
Your deductible has changed. Please refer to the table below:
Section B4 |
Before | Now |
$50 | $250 |
$150 | $250 |
$2,500 | $2,000 |
$3,000 | $2,000 |
$3,500 | $2,000 |
$4,000 | $2,000 |
$4,500 | $2,000 |
$5,000 | $2,000 |
Change to the amount of Civil Liability coverage
* May not apply to all vehicles on the policy. Refer to your insurance policy for details.
Your deductible has changed. Please refer to the table below:
Civil Liability |
Before | Now |
$100,000 |
$1,000,000 |
$200,000 |
$1,000,000 |
$300,000 |
$1,000,000 |
$500,000 |
$1,000,000 |
$3,000,000 |
$2,000,000 |
$4,000,000 |
$2,000,000 |
$5,000,000 | $2,000,000 |
Amount of seasonal home insurance coverage increased to $10,000
The minimum amount of coverage has been increased to $10,000 to ensure that you are better protected in the event of a claim. Therefore, your protection is enhanced.
Amount of seasonal home insurance coverage increased to $5,000
The minimum amount of coverage has been increased to $5,000 to ensure that you are better protected in the event of a claim. Therefore, your protection is enhanced.
Amount of Fair Rental Value endorsement increased to $6,000
The minimum amount of coverage for Fair Rental Value endorsement has been increased to $6,000 to ensure that you are better protected in the event of a claim. Therefore, your protection is enhanced.
Amount of Fair Rental Value endorsement decreased to $100,000
The maximum amount of coverage is now $100,000 per unit.
Audio and video supports endorsement is removed
This endorsement is unfortunately no longer available. These properties are still covered by your policy, but the insurance limit for this type of property applies.
Basis of settlement-secondary dwelling building endorsement is removed
This endorsement is unfortunately no longer available. The secondary dwelling will be indemnified according to the basic contract, according to the value on the day of the loss.
Glass Breakage Deductible endorsement is removed
This endorsement is unfortunately no longer available. In the event of a claim caused by glass breakage, you will be responsible for the full amount of your deductible.
Personal Property endorsement: Business use is removed
This endorsement has been removed as the basic contract now covers up to $7,500 of business property. If your needs are greater than the basic coverage amount, additional protection may be available. Please contact us for more details
Repair or replacement cost - personal property endorsement for secondary residence or rented condo endorsement is removed
This endorsement is unfortunately no longer available. Personal property will be indemnified according to the basic contract, according to the value on the day of the loss.
S.O.S. Home endorsement is removed
This endorsement is unfortunately no longer available. Repairs to your heating, air conditioning and other systems are no longer covered.
Change in the Golf Kart Liability
Your insurance coverage is no longer limited to the use of the golf kart on a campsite.
Change in the insurance form related to boats, motors and boat trailers (All risk protection moving forward)
You are now covered with All risk protection. Therefore, your protection is enhanced.
Change in the insurance form related to a scheduled article
All scheduled article remains, but the coverage may have changed as a new insurance form is now available for this article. These changes include a $0 deductible and replacement cost.
* Your coverage may change. Refer to your insurance policy for details.
Discontinuation of pricing related to tractors liability
Your insurance coverage remains the same at no extra cost. Therefore, you will continue to benefit from this coverage.
Discontinuation of pricing related to additional civil liability
Your insurance coverage remains the same at no extra cost. Therefore, you will continue to benefit from this coverage.
Discontinuation of pricing related to pursuit of business use for your premises
Your insurance coverage remains the same at no extra cost. Therefore, you will continue to benefit from this coverage.